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This section deals specifically with online romance scams. The images used by the scammers are stolen from innocent people, usually from their social media pages.

Unread postby Big Al » Sun Apr 07, 2019 11:59 pm

Romance to recovery scam:

On Tuesday, April 24, 2018
Craig Nguyen <> wrote:

Good Morning ,
It been indeed an awesome journey with you in communication and am so impressed about your interest and attention toward anh.
How was your weekend? My Weekend are pretty simple, Anh do Laundry , Exercise , Cook for me and also go shopping cause week days could be busy to do all that, Sundays are for Church for anh and lots of rest for the next working day.

Making friend on line or dating online don't you think is risky? This depend on the choice you made within you em, Once you know yourself and take action to realize your dreams, you can unlock the doors to your own potential. The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams. Life itself is a risk we , Cause we only live today nobody can promise tomorrow Only God most high. The water we drink, the food we eat, the air we breath are risk we take daily in life. Risk is not just about online , Those you meet on the street, in club, at work ,your neighbors ,restaurant and even in Church are risk cause they are strangers until they become friends...Anh truly believe that everything that we do and everyone that we meet is put in our path for a purpose.

Otherwise just being friends/ Penpal is the best. Anh agree? It lies not in our power to love, or hate, For will in us is over-ruled by fate. I do not believe in a fate that will fall on us no matter what we do. I do believe in a fate that will fall on us if we do nothing. We are spinning our own fates, good or evil, never to be undone.
Long distance love makes too much trouble. ... Do you mind to explain why you say this ?

How can you sure who is honest or dishonest? Optimism is the faith that leads to achievement. Honesty begins with you, if you are honest you have got no reason to have doubt in who you meet.

I wonder why your phone can not download viber? there is no more memory, Anh? You answered already , There's no more memory ,too many programs stored on my phone due to work. I tried deleting some to create space but i found that they are still vitae and useful to anh. Why em not down Whatapp on your phone?

I got something to share with you em .

Craig Nguyen

On Tuesday, April 24, 2018,
Craig Nguyen <> wrote:

"Two are better than one, because they have a good return for their work: If one falls down, his friend can help him up. But pity the man who falls and has no one to help him up! Also, if two lie down together, they will keep warm. But how can one keep warm alone? The one may be overpowered, two can defend themselves."
Ecclesiastes 4:9-12

My Thought and Principle, After reading i hope you find this interesting because it a simple step to show how serious i want and desire a long lasting relationship leading to marriage and family.
ONE. Give people more than they expect and do it cheerfully.
TWO. Marry a woman you love to talk to. As you get older, their conversational skills will be as important as any other.
THREE. Don't believe all you hear, spend all you have or sleep all you want.
FOUR. When you say, "I love you," mean it.
FIVE. When you say, "I'm sorry," look the person in the eye.
SIX. Be engaged at least two months before you get married.
SEVEN. Believe in love at first sight.
EIGHT. Never laugh at anyone's dream. People who don't have dreams don't have much.
NINE. Love deeply and passionately. You might get hurt but it's the only way to live life completely.
TEN.. In disagreements, fight fairly. No name calling.
ELEVEN. Don't judge people by their relatives.
TWELVE. Talk slowly but think quickly.
THIRTEEN. When someone asks you a question you don't want to answer, smile and ask, "Why do you want to know?"
FOURTEEN. Remember that great love and great achievements involve great risk.
FIFTEEN. Say "bless you" when you hear someone sneeze.
SIXTEEN. When you lose, don't lose the lesson
SEVENTEEN. Remember the three R's: Respect for self; Respect for others; and responsibility for all your actions.
EIGHTEEN. Don't let a little dispute injure a great friendship.
NINETEEN. When you realize you've made a mistake, take immediate steps to correct it.
TWENTY. Smile when picking up the phone. The caller will hear it in your voice.
TWENTY-ONE. Spend some time alone.
Then you have also asked what love means to me, Well I will attempt to tell you:
The First thing that comes to mind is in Paul's Letter to the Corinthians....13th Chapter Love is Patient and Kind, Love is not jealousy, it does not put on airs, it is not snobbish. Love is never rude, it is not selfish and not prone to anger; neither does it brood over injuries. Love does not rejoice in what is wrong, but rejoices with the truth. There is no limit to love's forbearance, it's truth, it's hope and it's power to endure.
Once taken, will there ever be a hope for being alone? Being on my own to experience friendliness, softness and the beauty of a sparkling smile, a tender touch which brings joy tho the outermost nerves on my skin. the eyes which can never ramble anything but the truth. The love which is never spoken, but warms the very depths of the moment. Ahhhhhh but to wonder...Will I be?
Will my heart ever see the love that will linger for a lifetime? To know the aching and emptiness has been all to great and the happiness all too far away. Maybe in the treasured precious moment there may be a hint of what tomorrow may hold.......
An empty song or a symphony of love.
Did I know about the future already then??
Let me bury myself in the life behind your eyes, knowing the deep meaning of every mystic gaze. To read moments of joy and the timeless love hidden within the fortress held by only you. to know the meaning of a longing stare or a fleeting glimpse or to define the hurt that is so visible yet hidden form those who are not to search.
Being able to find and return the love which has been covered over with a blanket of time and circumstance. To find the truth behind a look of hurt and to make the dance and joy return. The world is in your eyes; feelings, places, bad times and softness. Open them to me my love and we can both live in a world of constant learning and giving to each other; that alone which no one understands except through our eyes.
And there are others.
Beat my heart, as it is heard 100's of miles away. Sing my soul, as my life is lead by it's music. Laugh my eyes, as pictures of you dot my day. Scream my emotions, as they lie dormant waiting for the voice of spring.
You have taken my life and given it a new home. Somewhere warm, colorful, inviting and with love. I am filled with you and yet empty until we are one.
Until then~~~~~~~~I wait
Love to me it is bright colors and dark places shared by two hearts that keep the other wrapped in safeness. To see the strands of the first light reach across a vast ocean, to smell the pungent aroma of the junipers and feel the sting of the cold as you both see the breathtaking scene of snow capped mountain. To be awakened from a deep sleep with arms reaching around you and pulling you close. To walk in the door only to be met with a smile and a hug and to know you were missed. Knowing that you are never quite a whole person when the other one is not by your side. Sharing the thoughts, the dreams, the hopes --together and working to make them reality. Knowing when things aren't right with your partner and trying to find anything to help fix them. Digging in together to start a project or to finish something that isn't quite right. Being a part of each other...knowing what the other is going to say, feeling what they feel, wanting anything and everything to be right for them. To be appreciated, adored, respected and trusted. To have every breath hold thoughts of them and to know ALL of this is reflected back to you. You are content, warm and happy being with them and excited to see them if you can't be.

Just a start but things I look for. It's not the sex, because that's the icing to a life shared completely with someone that is completely ready to share everything with me.
I hope this might start to make sense to you and you can now see some of who I am. Thanks for been a friend to share this great email with and hopefully you can read more meaning to all these Em.

Craig Nguyen

From: Craig Nguyen <>
Sent: Wednesday, April 25, 2018
Subject: Re: Continuation of anh email

Anh not a writer but this anh only way of expressing anh inner most thought and feelings to em.

Craig Nguyen

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Unread postby Big Al » Tue Apr 09, 2019 12:28 am

On Wednesday, May 2,


With reference to the above subject,I will like to draw your kind attention to the fact that your money arrives at HSBC headquarters as at this morning but we will not entertain any form of query with regards to this letter if you do not get the certificate of clearance and form W-8 Ben-e from Mr James Mai as the director of Federal Burreau Intelligence which he said it will cost $20,000 United States dollars .When this documents is sent to us through Mr.James Mai we will call you and credit your account with immediate effect .We are informed that out of the approximately 1 million United States dollars $500,000 should be deposited in your HSBC account .

Kindly revert back to Mr.James or Mr.Mark with the payment so we can sort this issues with immediate effect ..

We are totally sorry for the fact that you have been scammed and all the pertakers are errested and the money was retrieved from there account by frozen there account ..

Thank you for anticipated corporation in advance.

Yours sincerely,

Bridget Micheals Jean.

Customer care relation/ Anti money laundering

HSBC Ottawa

On Thursday, May 3, 2018,
Mark A. Morgan < wrote:

Federal Bureau of Investigation
Field Intelligence Unit
J. Edgar Hoover Bldg.
935 Pennsylvania Ave NW Washington, DC 20535,


All I am very much interested in is for you to follow my instructions diligently and with your total cooperation, we would nail the impostors and bring them to justice.

Very Important: STOP ALL COMMUNICATIONS WITH THE IMPOSTORS and Keep this investigation confidential to enable us track down the criminals okay.

In a bid to answer your question; I would like you to refer to the 4th paragraph of my response to you which stated and I quote:

"After a thorough investigation, its very glaring that you have not only been victimized but also an instrument that was used to perpetrate and fuel advance fee fraud. Hence, this is subject to fine, imprisonment, or both".

Because of the detailed explanation from Mr Craig, I would urge you not to entertain any fear.

The Federal Bereau of Investigation under normal circumstances does not request money for investigation except for where the subject of investigation extends internationally just like your own very case. Such money is used to cover for expenses.

Kindly note that I have already swung into action on the investigation of the bank information within the US and Canada which you sent money. The account holders would surely be contacted, report filed with their bank is a direct means of getting hold of them. This would in turn lead to the tracking down of the Principal criminal (Timothy).

Are you prepared to cover the cost of this investigation because I would be completely working as an undercover to track down Timothy and he would pay for all your loss ???

On getting your swift response, I would let you know the fees involved. I would have also concluded arrangements with the interpol and some of my colleagues who would be working with me as a team. I await your swift response

Yours in service,
Agent Mark A. Morgan
Federal Bureau of Investigation
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Unread postby Big Al » Tue Apr 09, 2019 12:31 am

From: Mark A. Morgan <
Sent: Thursday, May 3, 2018
Subject: Re: Fw: Money recovery/Clearance/Confidential/REF10869000

Federal Bureau of Investigation
Field Intelligence Unit
J. Edgar Hoover Bldg.
935 Pennsylvania Ave NW Washington, DC 20535,


Your response to my last mail was acknowledged and comprehended. First of all, I have earlier warned that you desist from communicating with the impostors and also keep this investigation confidential in order to facilitate the speedy recovery of your funds and the immediate arrest of the fraud perpetrators.

To answer your question, the letter from HSBC has been confirmed to be a total fake as there's no such content from their database (This is a classified information received from HSBC headquarters today). Its a trick by Mark Nguyen to steal your email accounts password and bank information details for further scam activities.

As regards the amount which would be needed to conclude the investigating process, it has been totalled to 14,850 usd (Fourteen thousand and eight hundred and fifty united states dollars). This is a sure guarantee that all the scam artists involved would be apprehended and all your monies recovered from them, therefore, do not be frightened.

The money you would be sending is for the expenses as I earlier explained to you. I have also contacted the interpol in connection with fixing a trip to South Africa, Dubai, and even Canada as investigation proceeds. The interpol would be paid and so are my colleagues that are presently working with me. We would also set our tracking devices on for speedy result. The money would also cover for every document that would need to be procured.

NB: You will need an immunity document that would only tag you as a victim of scam to avoid you from going to jail. That also would be procured from the money. So, be rest assured because you are covered. Just keep to my instructions and keep this confidential to enable us arrest Timothy and recover all your lost monies. Timothy is indeed a very bad man.

With my position in the Federal Bereau Investigation department, all the information needed to speed up the investigation is been granted to me by the financial institutions which Timothy and his team of scam artists used to receive monies from you.

I have received the classified information/report from Bank of America and Wells Fargo Bank as you read this message. Before today elapses, I should get the information needed from RBC and the other banks. I would await your swift response.

Yours in service,
Agent Mark A. Morgan
Federal Bureau of Investigation

On Thursday, May 3, 2018,
Mark A. Morgan < wrote:

Federal Bureau of Investigation
Field Intelligence Unit
J. Edgar Hoover Bldg.
935 Pennsylvania Ave NW Washington, DC 20535,


Your mail is acknowledged and comprehended. Would revert back to you with the payment details on Saturday once you are ready to make the payment.

NB: Do not forget my warnings/instructions to keep this whole investigation confidential to enable my team (FBI) nail down these peretrators from Timothy to the doctor, impostor Mark Nguyen and even James so that they can pay for all the wrongs they did to you. Also make sure not to disclose to anyone to enable my investigation be concluded faster.

Since I have been in service with FBI, I have made sure to arrest every scam artist and I have always succeeded. Congratulations in advance and count yourself lucky that Craig connected you to me.

Yours in service,
Agent Mark A. Morgan
Federal Bureau of Investigation
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Unread postby Big Al » Tue Apr 09, 2019 12:34 am

From: Craig Nguyen <
Sent: Friday, May 4, 2018,
Subject: Fwd: URGENT

Here is Agent Mark email..
He would be here an anh would give him 5,000us$ as requested.
And he get another payment on Monday of 10,000 Can$ .

Is that Okay by em?

Craig Nguyen

On Friday, May 4, 2018,
Mark A. Morgan < wrote:

Federal Bureau of Investigation
Field Intelligence Unit
J. Edgar Hoover Bldg.
935 Pennsylvania Ave NW Washington, DC 20535,


I do not know if Craig has contacted you as regards my teams implementation plan for today over the issue of investigating Timothy and his colleagues who scammed you of your money.

My team just got 5000 usd in cash from Craig to enable us proceed with the investigation today. We would register your case and call all the beneficiary account holders which were used to receive all the monies we sent.

Do note that this is a sure lead in the progress of our investigation. Every other plans would unfold itself as do our job deligently. Your money will surely be recovered and these evil men would be arrested okay. Thats my number one assurance to you.

According to your last mail, you were supposed to be sending the required money by tomorrow being Saturday. Kindly let me know if I am correct. If I am wrong; then I would appreciate you let me know when you would remit. Would await your response before the end of the day. Congratulations in advance.

Yours in service,
Agent Mark A. Morgan
Federal Bureau of Investigation
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Unread postby Big Al » Tue Apr 09, 2019 12:38 am

From: Mark A. Morgan <
To: rainbowen1968 <
Sent: Fri, May 4, 2018
Subject: URGENT

Federal Bureau of Investigation
Field Intelligence Unit
J. Edgar Hoover Bldg.
935 Pennsylvania Ave NW Washington, DC 20535,

To: Craig,

Without mincing words, I would like to draw your attention to your victimized friend ( ) whose preliminary investigation already started in the last 24 hours.

As a matter of urgency, its pertinent to get you informed that we would be needing mobilization fees of about $5,000 to register the case today before contacting the beneficiary account holders that were involved in the fraudulent act.
Kindly discuss this with and get back to me as quickly as possible because I and my team are working within time frame, to enable us hit our target.

Yours in service,
Agent Mark A. Morgan
Federal Bureau of Investigation

On Friday, May 4, 2018,
Mark A. Morgan < wrote:

Federal Bureau of Investigation
Field Intelligence Unit
J. Edgar Hoover Bldg.
935 Pennsylvania Ave NW Washington, DC 20535,


Its been a stressful day but not to worry, its my job and must be done diligently to ensure that the interests of our citizens are very well protected. I have taken it upon myself to protect your interest and make sure all your monies are recovered.

Update as regards the beneficiary account holders with the differemt banks used to receive all the monies you sent to Timothy and his fellow criminals; we have gotten all their details and the interpol has been contacted also to mount a surveillance on the affected geographical locations.

Our major aim: To make sure Timothy (The principal scam artist), is apprehended and arrested along side with his colleagues so that all the monies stolen from you would be rcovered; be rest assured okay.

And as for my weekend, I would be travelling to the headquarters in Washington tomorrow being Saturday to document your case file and also formally tender my permission to apprehend the culprit as well as.

I would also be obtaining the Immunity bond on your behalf to protect and be used as a proof that you were only a victim of scam and you never fuelled or encouraged scam (which is a very big offense).

NB1: You would receive the bank details on Monday early in the morning before your bank opens so that you can use it for remittance of the 10,000.

NB2: I have warned severally that the confidentiality of these investigation is the only way we can apprehend the culprits. Therefore, stop communicating or disclosing this issue with your neighbors or anyone whatsoever until the investigation is successfully concluded and we have helped you recover all your monies.

NB3: Working as an undercover, the banking coordinates which you would need to remit the 10,000 would be one of my team members account details. Do not disclose anything to anyone until we have concluded our investigations.

Following the above instructions strictly stands us 100% chance of arresting and recovering all your monies before next weekend and remember to remit your balance one this is all over.

Wishing you congratulations in advance and have a beautiful weekend and await the account details on Monday morning.

Yours in service,
Agent Mark A. Morgan
Federal Bureau of Investigation
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Unread postby Big Al » Tue Apr 09, 2019 12:40 am

On Sunday, May 6, 2018
Mark A. Morgan < wrote:

Federal Bureau of Investigation
Field Intelligence Unit
J. Edgar Hoover Bldg.
935 Pennsylvania Ave NW Washington, DC 20535,


Hope you had a beautiful weekend ? Well, just to let you know that I had a safe trip to the headquarters and would be returning tomorrow being Monday the 7th of May, 2018. Be aware also that my main aim of visit here in Washington as regards officially filing your complaints and my investigation was completely accomplished and huge success would be recorded once your payment has been received.

Be informed that my appointment with the beneficiary banks whose investigation is ongoing is tomorrow being Monday and I would be expecting that you must have remitted the required 10,000 within 2 hours before I return to Chicago to meet with my team to further proceed and speed up the recovery of your funds.

The payment details bearing one of my team member's name (account officer) would be sent to you via email first thing tomorrow morning to enable you proceed with the remittance.

I want to fully assure you that all your lost monies would be recovered to the last penny; and would further capture the culprits who stole from you by tricks. Always be thankful to Craig for introducing you to me because I am known as a special Agent for protecting the interest of citizens from fraudulent people like Timothy and his colleagues. I love my job and I do it diligently.

Till I read from you, I wish you have a wonderful evening.

Yours in service,
Agent Mark A. Morgan
Federal Bureau of Investigation

On Monday, May 7, 2018
Mark A. Morgan < wrote:

Federal Bureau of Investigation
Field Intelligence Unit
J. Edgar Hoover Bldg.
935 Pennsylvania Ave NW Washington, DC 20535,


Having read your email, I also want to add that I would be having an appointment by 9am this morning at the headquarters before the final signing/approval for the investigation to further proceed. Kindly mail me to know when I should send the payment details for you to proceed to your bank.

Once I get the confirmation of your payment, the signing would be completed and would immediately fly back to chicago for the investigation to continue; the interpol are presently awaiting my instructions. I hope you understand this.

Yours in service,
Agent Mark A. Morgan
Federal Bureau of Investigation
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Unread postby Big Al » Tue Apr 09, 2019 12:44 am

On Monday, May 7, 2018,
Mark A. Morgan < wrote:

Federal Bureau of Investigation
Field Intelligence Unit
J. Edgar Hoover Bldg.
935 Pennsylvania Ave NW Washington, DC 20535,


Without much delay on the investigation, kindly use the account details below for the remittance of 10,000 USD:

City: Glen Burnie
State: Maryland
Zip code:21060
Account#: 44603505XXXX
Routine#: 052001633
Swiftcode: BOFAUS6S
Bank Address: 80 Mountain road
City: Glen Burnie
State: Maryland
Zip code:21060

You can state the your purpose of payment as "Goods and Services" bearing in mind the account type given; I have already discussed this with Craig to understand its the nature of an Undercover Agent.

Do not forget that the confidentiality of this investigation would play a major role in apprehending all the culprits (Timothy and the rest). Awaiting your compliance as soon as possible.

Yours in service,
Agent Mark A. Morgan
Federal Bureau of Investigation

On Wednesday, May 9, 2018,
Mark A. Morgan < wrote:

Federal Bureau of Investigation
Field Intelligence Unit
J. Edgar Hoover Bldg.
935 Pennsylvania Ave NW Washington, DC 20535,


Didnt get any response from you after the last mail I sent to you in acknowledgement of your 5000 USD receipt. Anyways, I hope you are doing okay this day ? Be informed that we will soon round up our investigations and proceed to effect arrest of Timothy.

Would like to know what your plans for the day is ? We are awaiting the balance payment of 5000 USD. Kindly let me know what time of today, you would remit the balance of the 5000 USD.

Until I read from you, kindly have a beautiful day.

Yours in service,
Agent Mark A. Morgan
Federal Bureau of Investigation
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Unread postby Big Al » Tue Apr 09, 2019 12:56 am

On Wednesday, May 9, 2018,
Mark A. Morgan < wrote:

Federal Bureau of Investigation
Field Intelligence Unit
J. Edgar Hoover Bldg.
935 Pennsylvania Ave NW Washington, DC 20535,


The cash receipt for the second $5000 USD has been acknowledged and I must commend your swift compliance as this development would accelerate our progressive, speedy investigation.
Timothy (together with his accomplice) would be generally apprehended, arrested and your monies would be recovered from them.
Would update you on the very minute we close in on them and are ready to strike. Be rest assured and let your mind be at peace. Until then, I wish you a wonderful Wednesday.

Yours in service,
Agent Mark A. Morgan
Federal Bureau of Investigation

On Thursday, May 10, 2018
Mark A. Morgan < wrote:

Federal Bureau of Investigation
Field Intelligence Unit
J. Edgar Hoover Bldg.
935 Pennsylvania Ave NW Washington, DC 20535,


I am glad you are having a great sigh of relief, knowing that the investigation is in progress and you have met with the preliminary demands that would speed up Timothy's arrest.

Be rest assured that all the profilings are in order and would let you know when we are about to strike. Would be busy with my team over same subject today; will get back to you for updates.

Today seems to be your man's birthday (I mean Craig). Kindly extend my heartfelt birthday wishes to him. Until then, do have a splendid day at work.

Yours in service,
Agent Mark A. Morgan
Federal Bureau of Investigation
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Unread postby Big Al » Tue Apr 09, 2019 1:01 am

On Friday, May 11, 2018,
Mark A. Morgan < wrote:

Federal Bureau of Investigation
Field Intelligence Unit
J. Edgar Hoover Bldg.
935 Pennsylvania Ave NW Washington, DC 20535,


Hope you are doing great today ? I want to use this medium to thank you for your wishes and support towards the ongoing investigation.We have gotten credible updates as regards Timothy and we have also communicated with the interpol whom we are still awaiting their response.Would let you know by the end of today, when instruction for arrest will be passed. Until then, do have a lovely day and weekend ahead. Yours in service,
Agent Mark A. Morgan
Federal Bureau of Investigation

On Friday, May 11, 2018,
Mark A. Morgan < wrote:

Federal Bureau of Investigation
Field Intelligence Unit
J. Edgar Hoover Bldg.
935 Pennsylvania Ave NW Washington, DC 20535,


The whereabouts of the principal criminal (Timothy) has been discovered by our planted spies and our tracking devices; be reliably informed that the most wanted Timothy has been spotted in the geographical location of South Africa where you have once wired money to. Infact, he has been on this devlish act for so long but I assure you that my involvement on this case will put a stop to his evil deeds. Further discovery revealed that he's been perperating fraud successfully for a period of time now, as an impostor (not using his real identity) and his targets are majorly women who are or seems naive and he ends up shattering their hearts and trickishly extorts them of their hard earned money. His original identity with biometric details clearly indicates an African; would print that out later.To buttress this, Timothy has been on the wanted list of interpol as a result of other victims filed report being that they were also scammed heavily but the interpol have only applied the judiciary system which would involve arraigning in court. I was in a long phone conversation today with the interpol agent as regards the investigation on our strategy to close in on Timothy and immediately arrest him without delay, but the Interpol agent seemed to be slowing down the protocols over due process. He said we would have to go through court preceedings to retrieve all your stolen monies even if they grant us access to arrest. Knowing that I have not much time but to make sure I render my due services and make sure your money is recovered, I requested for the surest alternative which the interpol responded that the only boycot would cost us some additional fees (Would cover for the arrest and make him return all stolen monies without court hearings) to avoid delays. The botton line which happen to seem like a challenge is the interpol whose demand has proven that its the only fastest way we can arrest and recover all the monies from Timothy without court involvement which might cause unecessary delay. I would forward this update to Craig also so he can be aware on how far I and my team have gone. Congratulations in advance, we are progressing. Until I read from you, do have a splendid evening. Yours in service,
Agent Mark A. Morgan
Federal Bureau of Investigation
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Unread postby Big Al » Tue Apr 09, 2019 1:06 am

On Friday, May 11, 2018,
Mark A. Morgan < wrote:

Federal Bureau of Investigation
Field Intelligence Unit
J. Edgar Hoover Bldg.
935 Pennsylvania Ave NW Washington, DC 20535,


Sorry to hear about what you are going through with RBC. To answer your question, I can sometimes be handling 3 cases at a time and successfully accomplish them within a week. It all depends on the geographical location, the gravity of the offence, and if it requires the monetary aspect (which is not always all the time). As I write this message, I have a thailand case to handle. Another woman, victim of fraud.

Once Timothy is apprehended, he would definitely lead us to his culprits but before then, the process of recovering your money might involve court proceedings but the interpol has buttressed that it could be manouvered to enable us immediately recover all your monies but thesame interpol have stated categorically that it would involve some extra fees. I really dont mind as long as you recover your money and be happy once again. Happiness is the key here.

As for Timothy's case, we can round it up by next week Wednesday/Thursday if possible we are able to meet the interpols demand. Kindly discuss with Craig and you can get back to me. Have a peaceful day.

Yours in service,
Agent Mark A. Morgan
Federal Bureau of Investigation

On Saturday, May 12, 2018
Mark A. Morgan < wrote:
Federal Bureau of Investigation
Field Intelligence Unit
J. Edgar Hoover Bldg.
935 Pennsylvania Ave NW Washington, DC 20535,


Compliments of the weekend ; I am sure you are having a fabulous weekend. Responding to your last mail, Yes Timothy is an impostor using fake identity as I earlier explained.
The interpol has assured of breaking all protocols to arrest Timothy and refunding all your money without court appearance (unnecessary delay) and he was demanding almost $10,000 usd for these to be completed before next week Wednesday.
Its so disheartening but the promises of the interpol agent are 100% sure without involving any court appearance. I just got off another long phone conversation with the interpol agent and I negotiated requesting that he should be fair to you and he said the best fee which they would accept from us would be $6,750 usd (about 8,600 cad).
He further explained that it would be used to procur a non-appearance document with original seal of authenticity, all in a bid to hasten the investigation. Once this is done, we immediately effect arrest.
In conclusion, if we are able to comply with the interpol's demand as soon as possible, Timothy would be arrested and money refunded without any court appearance or delay. Yours in service,
Agent Mark A. Morgan
Federal Bureau of Investigation
"Look for the lies."
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