
Do NOT tell your scammer he is posted here, or report their accounts as it puts others at risk!

This section deals specifically with online romance scams. The images used by the scammers are stolen from innocent people, usually from their social media pages.

Unread postby devanteoo7 » Sun Feb 10, 2019 4:33 pm

I met a Russian woman named Elena Alexandrova on the Mingle Dating site. She asked for my email address, so we could communicate through email. She said that she fell in love with me after a week and a half of emailing each other. She then said that we had to be together. She first said that I could move to Russia and live with her in her Dorm room. She then changed her mind and said that she would come to me by obtaining a Tourist Visa. She then said that the Visa and all expenses to get to my airport would cost $1640.00. She never said the cost in her countries currency, which was strange. She then later claimed that she sold her room and other possessions, but needed the last $450.00 to pay the . Travel agency "Volga" city
Nizhny Novgorod Osharskogo street 77 office 305 number 79536898627. She claims that she signed a contract with them and that they are going to take her to court if she doesn't pay the remaining $450.00. She wants me to pay the Travel Agency directly. I contacted them through email and asked if they had a website where I could make the payment. They said that I couldn't make a payment on their site. This is the information that they sent me.

Dear . You cannot make a payment on our site. You can pay 450 dollars to our bank account.

Requisites for enrollment in the USA dollar:

Beneficiary bank: Alfa-Bank, 107078, Moscow, Kalanchevskaya street, 27, Russia
Beneficiary Acc №: 4081784041006000XXXX (USD)
Beneficiary: S. D. V.

Sincerely, Volga Travel Agency

I'm totally confused on how to even make a payment this way. This is what they wrote about their website:

Dear . Our site is now supplemented by a moderator and you may
experience some problems when entering. We apologize.

Elena first wanted me to send her the money through Moneygram. Am I being scammed? Please help.
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Re: I don't know if I'm being scammed or not.

Unread postby Big Al » Sun Feb 10, 2019 4:38 pm

Scam, 100%.

Our basic rule is anyone you have never met in person face to face but only through the internet who asks for money no matter what the reason will be a scammer 100% of the time.

Can you post more information concerning the scammer?

E-mails, E-mail addresses, photographs (No Nudes or bikinis), phone numbers, & links to social media accounts are all helpful.

Number billable as mobile number
Country or destination Russia
City or exchange location
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Unread postby Big Al » Mon Feb 11, 2019 1:33 am

Sent: Sunday, December 23, 2018

Hey.I'm glad you wrote to me. here are some new photos for you. What
do you think? You love it? It's important to me that you think about
my photos. I said that I'm a teacher? I have two classes from 9 to 11
years. I graduated from the Pedagogical College. I got a diploma and a
state present a room. I thought that they would give me a normal
apartment. but I I live in a small village. And I was given only a
room. My village located in the Nizhny Novgorod region, is called the
village of Spirino. I'm 30 years and I do not have a family. Even
there are no brothers and sisters. I do not know them. but, but there
are friends and aunt. My aunt lives in Croatia now. She is met a man
on the Internet and moved to him. They got married and happy. So I
decided to try and get acquainted on the Internet. I have not used the
internet before. Sometimes I came to the Internet cafe, that would
write aunt. But, now I will come here every day and wait for your
letters. From English I have no problem. And I think that with by you
I will know this even better. Do you understand me ? And, what will
you tell me about you? Describe yourself. Tell me what you love and
not You love. What is important to you. Your dreams and plans. I wanna
know you're better. I'm glad that we meet. And I'm sure it's not
accidentally. Do you also think so ? I need to go now. Today, I'll go
to bed early. Tomorrow again need to work. And then, I'll come and
wait for your email. I hope that you already answer. I'm waiting for
your answer and maybe a photo.Elena.

Sent: Monday, December 24, 2018

Usually after work I go home. but now I'm in the Internet cafe.
Because now I have you. I like this change. I have long wanted to
change anything in my life. And you helped me with this. I am
interested to learn more you. I like to read what you say. So, I know
you better. Here are some new pictures for you.I like to send you my
pictures. And I hope that you like to receive them. I live in
Russia. I understand that this is very far from you, but I sincerely
believe that distance is no obstacle to communication. What do you
think? I hope that our dialogue will continue. , you speak me that
at us distinction in the age of, I not absolutely understand why for
you age difference is so substantial. Age it only numbers and it not
important for me, I think that the man is more senior, he is wiser
also he will not make not considered acts and will not cause the girl
a pain. You are attracted me because you understand life through life
experiences. How do you spend your free time? What do you do for fun
? And with whom? What do you like? May have a hobby? , or
wanted to try something new? What are you doing after work? Meet with
friends? Or stay at home? I am almost always home. But, meeting
with friends on weekends. we do a lot of funny things. Sometimes
we go to movies and dances. It is a pity that need to go to a nearby
town. And like to spend time in the park and just walking in the
countryside. In winter, go skiing and go to the rink. In the summer we
like camping. have a small lake nearby. It is beautiful and good
beach. Sometimes watching TV and listening to the radio after work. I
like the program of travelers on Discovery. It's very interesting.
I have always wanted to be in the mountains. Probably, it is
difficult to describe the feeling when you see the world in front of
him. And you were in the mountains ? I never. I have never
traveled to other countries. But, I was at sea. One time. They gave me
a voucher from the school. I was in Sochi. It is a city resort on the
Black Sea. I will not forget it. And you want to be somewhere
together? Where ? And what would we do? Tell me. I'm grateful that
you came into my life. You are like a breath of freedom. Do not forget
about me and answer soon. Elena.



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Unread postby Big Al » Mon Feb 11, 2019 1:37 am

Sent: Wednesday, December 26, 2018

After work, I walk through the park and thought about you. I was
hoping that you answered me. and I am happy that you did it. I am
glad you are spend your time well. And maybe one day we'll do it
together ? You do not mind? Do you think we would have had a good
time? Today, chose a photo for you . I would hope that you like. I
try to do pictures for you. But perhaps I did not always get to do it
beautiful. Or, everything is fine? You like? Do you know who makes my
pictures? U interested? Maybe you own guess ?  Merry
Christmas. In Russia, celebrating the New Year. For me not the main
thing color of a leather to me the soul of the person is important.
want to talk about friends? I do not have much. Real friends only
a few people. Yes, I have familiar, colleagues and neighbors. And we
communicate with them. But rarely. Basically, we spend time with two
best friends. Do you have best friends? Tell me about them? that
you enjoy doing together? Where to go? How common? and other
people besides best friends? A lot of familiar? Colleagues? Perhaps
you have many different friends and loved ones. And the family? Do you
support a relationship? you have many relatives? Neighbors said
that I changed. I was told that I have a gleam in his eyes and
enigmatic smile. I feel it. But, I do not think that this notice
others. do you? You have introduced me to your friends? Do you
want to meet my best friends? You would have loved my friends quickly.
I guess I'm tired you? But I like to talk to you. And I hope that you
will have the strength to answer my questions. Answer me soon. I
can not wait for your next emails. Elena.

Sent: Thursday, December 27, 2018

I'm glad you told me. I guess I would be a bit upset, if you did not
answer today. But I'm glad that I can read your email. I am interested
in reading about your friends and loved ones. It is important to know
with whom you communicate. I'm sure they are wonderful people. I
want to meet them in person one day. By the way, the pictures did my
friend. Just about all she did. she likes it. And she said that
he would try to help me with this. So what do we do more pics. Maybe
you will make a new one? I love to talk with you. You know, I think we
have a little talk? you not you think? I tried to find other ways
to communicate. But, I do not find it. Maybe you have ideas on how to
communicate more quickly? I do not know how to do it differently. In
addition to emails. I would like to talk to you over the phone.
But we do not have cellular communication in the village. The school
has a phone. Stationary. But the director does not allow to use it.
She said the phone for emergency communications. The Internet Cafe is
also denied to me. I have requested the Administrator to call
from their phone. And even offered money. He said that an Internet
cafe, and do not call office. Maybe you know other ways of
communicating? Through the Internet? if you explain, then I'll
try to do this? What do you think ? I'm not good at it. Because I
have no experience with computers and the Internet. But, I will do as
you say. maybe, shall communicate to others, the easy way? I want
to talk with you more. And not just talk ... I want to hold your hand
and talk. Do you think it will be like this? though, too early to
think about it. It is necessary to know us better. I hope you
know how to talk to us more. If you know, be sure to tell me more
about it. Ok ? I have to go now. I hope that tomorrow we will
learn other ways of communicating. I'll think of you ...... Your
curious Elena.


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Unread postby Big Al » Mon Feb 11, 2019 1:40 am

Sent: Friday, December 28, 2018

Your letter made my day better. thank you, you answer me. I'm
always waiting for your emails. I have no phone. You can inform me
your telephone number and I will try to search for a way for this
purpose what to call to you? I want to hug you too. And how are
things at your work ? What are you doing there? Everything is good
there? And how long have you been working? You have a good
colleague? You often talk? And what is your team? Big? Or small? How
many people? Who you working? Women? Man? Probably, you have fans
there? Tell me the truth? you have a good relationship with them?
Maybe meet after work? You have a corporate party? Or not? I love
my job. We have a good team.Director - an elderly woman. She likes to
joke. We often drink tea with all the teachers and a lot of talking.
All told different stories, we argue, to remember something and think
about the future. But today, I blabbed about you. they said they
understood why I changed. I asked a lot. I told him everything. They
are happy for us, and asked to tell you Hi. But that changed after I
appeared in your life? you feel the same way or not? tell
me? I'm curious. What do you think? And when you answer me? Soon? I
hope so. I look forward to and even a little miss you. Your, thinking
of you Elena.

Sent: Saturday, December 29, 2018

I waited, when you write to me. And I really missed you. and I'm
glad to get your answer now. It was interesting to read about your
work. I hope that you will not have problems there. I am
confident that you will only have success. I'm glad you feel the
change in you. I am glad that this is a mutual feeling. I always
think of you and you're always in my head. And I feel like you're
giving me a piece of you in emails. I never felt so before. And tell
me about your day of ? As usual it goes? What time do you wake up?
And then what? You have to get up quickly or you love a little lie?
What to eat for breakfast? Or you do not eat this morning? And for
diner? What do you eat? If I was there, would you let me cook for you?
And what do you want? I would surprise you delicious food. Would
you like what I see off and welcome you with a job? You think about
that? And what if it becomes reality? Not now, later. Tell us your
thoughts about this? However, there is nothing to hide? Ok? I
think a lot about life together. If we were together, it was fine.
Imagine that? And how does it feel? I have butterflies in the abdomen
and tingling all over your skin. You come to work, and I welcome you.
we eat dinner or lunch. I'm in a pretty dress or only your shirt
or jacket. As in the films about the love.Do you remember ? Would
you let me wear your clothes? For example a shirt? I think that you
would like it. and me too. We eat and spend the evening together.
Watch TV, just talking and laughing. Or maybe listen to music and
enjoy the open arms? And then to sleep in the sweet hugs and kisses
and touches. do you want? You have such dreams? Tell me the
truth? If not, imagine that. And how? Feel the same thing as me? I
miss you all stronger. And I love that feeling. I will wait your
email with dreams and thoughts. Your dreaming Elena.


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Unread postby Big Al » Mon Feb 11, 2019 1:44 am

Sent: Sunday, December 30, 2018

I waited, when you write to me. and I even missed you. I thought
a lot about you. And you? I was in your head? And what were you
thinking? I'm curious to know about your day. I hope that one day I'll
be part of it. I'm sure it will be wonderful. I would also like
to hug and kiss you. I am very embarrassed to write it. Here's a new
photo for you. I did it recently. You like it? Let's talk about
happiness? what is this? Happiness? I think this is a lot to
say.Do you agree? For every man have his own personal happiness.
Someone is happy to risk. For example, jumping with a parachute. A
quiet life for others. someone happy when a lot of traveling, or
eating a favorite food. All my happiness. And it can not be sold, not
bought, you can not win the lottery. Happiness can be grown in myself.
I believe that any man can be happy. I do not have a lot to be
happy. Perhaps it is trite, but I dream of a real, strong, mutual
love. Well, what else would you ? Nothing. Only a beloved man will
be able to do so. everything you need to do to just be
together.Waking up in the morning, kissing, whispering in his ear all
sorts of nonsense, take care of each other. Keep the arm. Nothing to
refuse, spoil, and execute any desire.Is it not happiness ? Or
maybe you are my happiness? What do you think? I hope so. But
something makes you happy? or someone? What for you happiness?
Tell me your thoughts on this. we have started a New Year holiday.
Internet cafe will not work until January 3. I will definitely write
on January 3rd. Do you think we'll be happy together? It's too
late and I need to go. I already miss you. Answer me soon. Your
waiting for an answer, Elena.

Sent: Friday, January 4, 2019

I am glad to see your email. nice to know that you don't forget
about me. Yesterday, I could not sleep for a long time. I thought
about you and how can I make you happy. Probably need more time, to
find out. Happy New Year. How did you spend your New Year's Eve
weekend? Internet cafe did not work and could not answer you. I
understand that making you happy. and I'll try all that you were
happy. I think I get it. Are you ready to talk about past
relationships ? I am, yes. Because I have nothing to hide from
you, and it should not be a mystery. I agree? It all started in
college.I fell in love and hoping for a mutual feeling. We spent time
together. Yes, we even had a good while. But after the first sex has
changed. He began to be rude and hurt me. Once he hit me all over.
I have tried to meet with other men. One just wanted sex and fun.
The other was married. And that's not what I need. I dreamed
about my favorite man. About the man whom I can make happy. And who
will make me happy. Maybe it's you? Maybe we did not meet by chance?
It turns out that I was waiting for you? And you're the man? And now,
God has joined us to ? What do you think? Maybe we are meant to be
together? tell me why a man like you, have not found a woman?
Tell us about your women? How do they change your life? And what
prevented you? Why does it ended ? I know this is important.
Suddenly we're together? Better find out now and do not make mistakes.
Do you think as ? Internet cafe is closed and you need to go. Now
go to bed and try to come to you in a dream. Tell me if you succeed?
I'll miss you. I look forward to your email soon . Your Elena.


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Unread postby Big Al » Mon Feb 11, 2019 1:47 am

Sent: Sunday, January 6, 2019 10:24 AM

Today I came to internet cafe earlier. I sat and waited for your
letter. I thought that you write, and I will answer you immediately.
And then you, also answer immediately. let's try again? Maybe now
we'll get success? And we can find out how long emails goes. I'm sure
we will like to massage each other. One day we have this opportunity.
I am sure that my massage will help you. You relax, and you will
feel a burst of energy and freshness. I think a lot about you. Do not
even about you and about us. And I like it . With each letter, you
change my life. you make me happy. Despite the fact that while
you're away. But, it is only now. Every day the distance between us
becomes smaller. I feel it. you become very close to me. This is
a new feeling. I do not feel this before. I think I'm in love.
Yes, that's weird. But, I love that feeling. And I know that after our
meeting, you woke in me this. to me at work came a family couple.
Imagine, they were of different ages! But they were so happy. They
held each other's hand and not let go even for a minute. I want
as well. I want to hold your hand. To feel your kisses, caresses and
cuddle. To see and hear you for real. Or even just a walk or go to the
movies. I can not be alone. I want to do everything together.
I miss you. Do you mind that? What do you want to do together? Do
you think I'll change your life if I'll come to you? For the better?
Everyone says that I have changed. My friends, colleagues and
neighbors. Almost everyone I know! How can they see it? they say
that everything is visible into the eyes. They see the shine and
luster. I've become more kind, happy, talkative, and always smiling.
And you? you feel it? I want to know it. If you feel the same.
What is this? Love? I think I love you. But, I think it should be
checked. But how? How to check our feelings? How to check the love?
tell me if you know. it's a pity that now I can not kiss you
before sleep. However, this will changed. In life everything changing.
And for now, I am sending you my kiss. Answer soon . I'm
waiting... I miss without your emails, and waiting..... Your in love
and tender Elena.

Sent: Monday, January 7, 2019

I was looking forward to your letter. and I am as always missed
you. You were in my head all the time. And you know, now I have no
doubt that we'll be fine. For me not the main thing color of a leather
to me the soul of the person is important., you speak me that at
us distinction in the age of, I not absolutely understand why for you
age difference is so substantial. Age it only numbers and it not
important for me, I think that the man is more senior, he is wiser
also he will not make not considered acts and will not cause the girl
a pain. You are attracted me because you understand life through life
experiences. You know, I keep thinking about our meeting. and I
realize done important thing. For me, it is important that you were
glad to see me. You'll be glad to see me? Tell me the truth? If I come
to you ? Do you kiss and embrace me? Will you hold my hand and
smile for me? You want it? I am, yes. i want to feel your love
and tenderness. And I hope that your heart wants it too. And how would
our meeting your close people? They will be happy? or I'll a
secret from them? we chatted with friends yesterday. And all with
one voice saying that we need to meet. My aunt said the same thing.
Everyone wants that we met. They is said that only when the meeting
will understand. Will we be happy or not. I think we will. In his
spare time, I know all about it. I hope your day is awesome. And I
believe you have a wonderful dream. I am again going to dream
about you. My best friends said, if you believe in dreams, they will
become a reality. And I believe it. do you? Waiting for your
email, as usual soon. I enjoy reading your sincerity answers. And
I send my kiss to the letter. I hope you get it and take it with you
in bed. KISSSS! I miss .... And it is really looking forward to you.
Your gentle and missing for you Elena.


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Unread postby Big Al » Mon Feb 11, 2019 1:51 am

Sent: Tuesday, January 8, 2019

I opened my mail and get your email. And just a ray of sunshine
illuminates my heart. How are you ? What is your mood? My great.
Because I got your email now. do you have plans for us together?
You've already figured out what we do? Or are we going to do
spontaneously? That want, then do? What do you say? We'll meet. I
am sure that the first time will be every minute together. we
will enjoy hugs and love each other. give affection, tenderness,
and caring. Feel the beat of the heart and the tension in the chest.
We will be doing massage, keep our hands. I'm going to cook breakfast
in bed and cook a delicious flavored coffee. We will walk around the
city or just in the park. Maybe movie or dancing. Go into camping.
Going to the beach and cuddle in the sun. we do everything
together. All dreamed about! When I imagine this, my heart wants to
break out of my chest. I want to into your arms. I forget about
everything when I think about it. Do you like it? Do you like this
idea? or you have other ideas? Would you help me? For example,
would have rubbed my back? When I bath? Or to cook delicious food
together? we can walk to shops? Buy items or products? I could
get a job. I would did everything we need. We would created a perfect
couple. And our world will be filled with love, understanding, caring,
affection. We are made for each other. but that would be sure, we
need to meet. And you know I'm ready to take the risk. I am
willing to risk leaving my country and fly to you. Yes, I know nothing
in your country. And I do not have anyone but you. but you did
not leave me alone? If I come and wait at the airport? You exactly
meet me? promise me? I really miss. With each day, I miss
you more. You, your letters with thoughts and dreams. I want more and
more aware of you. You have such a feeling? It is important to me. For
us. You're the best man . I am happy that God has joined our
fates. Tell me you did it on purpose?? Fascinated me, and I'm like a
schoolgirl in love with you? How did you do that ?! I'm really
looking forward to your letter. and I am sending you a photo. I
think it will beautify your day and night? What do you think ?
Answer soon...... I look forward to and miss, kiss and hug. Your
gentle and love Elena.

Date: 1/9/2019

I am glad to receive your letter. I so miss you. And look forward
to your reply. I read your letter for two to three times. I would like
to talk more with you. But I think that soon I'll be able to fix it.
I did not think about the children. But if from a loved one of
course I want. I am more and more I think about you. About our
meeting. And I am more and more it seems that it is inevitable. I do
not care where. You come to me. Or am I to you. but I think it
needs to be done. What do you think? I keep thinking about it. I think
that if do not do this, we can spend a lot of time and live far from
each other. But it's time could be is well spend together. What do you
think? I would like to know your answer. today I worked
hard. I am very tired. But I not for a moment forget about you. I
am in every man to watch your image. I think I'm crazy on you. And
you? How are you feeling? Do you want to hug me? Pinch? Feel my kiss?
I think I know everything about you. And I do not know anything. But I
like what I know. I just love your attitude towards me. what do
you think? How long does a man and woman can live with, ? Do not
swear at all? I do not know. I saw the movie as a man and a woman
swear, and then in the strong arms enjoy of love. For me it all very
interesting. And you? I have many, many, and constantly think
about what we will do. And I think that place in the 1000 letters is
not enough that all this that would describe all this. And you?
Have you tried it? Tell me. I want to know. I love you !! I miss
and I wait your answer tomorrow. Your loving and in love Elena.
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Unread postby Big Al » Mon Feb 11, 2019 1:52 am

Sent: Wednesday, January 9, 2019

I am glad to receive your letter. I so miss you. And look forward
to your reply. I read your letter for two to three times. I would like
to talk more with you. But I think that soon I'll be able to fix it.
I did not think about the children. But if from a loved one of
course I want. I am more and more I think about you. About our
meeting. And I am more and more it seems that it is inevitable. I do
not care where. You come to me. Or am I to you. but I think it
needs to be done. What do you think? I keep thinking about it. I think
that if do not do this, we can spend a lot of time and live far from
each other. But it's time could be is well spend together. What do you
think? I would like to know your answer. today I worked
hard. I am very tired. But I not for a moment forget about you. I
am in every man to watch your image. I think I'm crazy on you. And
you? How are you feeling? Do you want to hug me? Pinch? Feel my kiss?
I think I know everything about you. And I do not know anything. But I
like what I know. I just love your attitude towards me. what do
you think? How long does a man and woman can live with, ? Do not
swear at all? I do not know. I saw the movie as a man and a woman
swear, and then in the strong arms enjoy of love. For me it all very
interesting. And you? I have many, many, and constantly think
about what we will do. And I think that place in the 1000 letters is
not enough that all this that would describe all this. And you?
Have you tried it? Tell me. I want to know. I love you !! I miss
and I wait your answer tomorrow. Your loving and in love Elena.

Sent: Thursday, January 10, 2019

I am glad to receive your letter. I really wanted to find out how
many pages enough for your desires. And what would you do and feel.
And I'm glad I was able to learn it from your letter. I told you
that I think about you constantly. I've come up with something. But
for now I will not tell you. I think it should be a surprise. What do
you think? Do you like surprises ? I think that you like. Or not?
Yesterday night, I could not sleep. I thought to do or not. Thought
over many things. And I want to make this a surprise for you. I did
not sleep at night. I watched TV and thought of us. Time goes and we
can not click on stop.Suddenly, our meeting is fated to us. As we have
been able to meet? You're in the one country. I'm in the other.
but we met. Began to talk. It's not by accident. Something attracts us
to each other. Can it all be accidentally? I think that no? And you
?? I spoke with all my friends and colleagues. All said, this is
needed. And I think that I take the risk. I will come to you? Do
you mind? I learn everything about how and what to do. And I'll tell
you when I can do it. You do not mind. Are you glad that I'll be with
you? I want you to think and told me. You want, what You want me
to come? I need your answer is "YES". And I'll do it! If you say "NO".
I hope this is not what you say. I will not even think about what I
do. I am waiting for your answer. and I am very excited. I hope
that you will not make me wait. And you say honestly and candidly,
"YES! YES! YES!!!" I am waiting for your letter. Your excited and
loving Elena.
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Unread postby Big Al » Mon Feb 11, 2019 1:54 am

Sent: Saturday, January 12, 2019

, FORGIVE ME! Forgive me for writing this letter to you! , I
can not come to you! , forgive me! Tears do not dry out before my
eyes! I can not calm down. , in the travel agency I was told the
cost of the trip to you! This is much more than I expected! I do not
have such means! I can not find such a huge amount! , I do not
know what to do now. My heart is torn apart from the pain. It does not
endure the pain, I suffocate from it. I do not want to lose you! I can
not live without you! I do not need my life if it does not have you!
But how to overcome the distance that divides us, I do not know! ,
I did not when I did not travel! I'm so stupid, thinking that my
savings will be enough! I'm afraid to think how upset you will be if
you read my letter! Now I'm sitting and crying! I'm very angry at
myself! I'm sorry I hurt you! I did not want! I'm sorry that I did not
keep my promises! I'm ready to devote all of myself! But you are
thousands of miles away! What? What can I do?! Why do I need this
torture !? What did I do wrong? All I wanted was to love and be loved!
All I can ask of you now is to find forgiveness in my heart for me!
, I can not live and know that you hate me! I can not do that!
Forgive me my love! I do not know what to do. Elena.

Date: 1/13/2019

Forgive that short letter. but, I did not know how to tell.
Sorry, I needed to tell you everything at once. I was in a good
Travel Agency. I found out what and how. And I was very happy that
soon we will be together. But, when I learned the minimum cost of the
trip, my eyes darkened. I sat on a chair and cried. You must have at
least 1640 dollars. and the money I have will not be enough even
for documents. At first, I thought that I would find all the money.
But it is so hard. and I can not get it. I did not travel so far.
I was in Sochi once. This is also far away. But, then, I got a free
ticket from my work. And so I did not know what the cost might be.
please forgive me. I would have done it. But, I need a lot of
time that I could get it. What do we do? can you come to Russia?
I'll meet you. I recognized everything. You need to fly to Moscow.
There are several international airports - Sheremetyevo, Vnukovo,
Domodedovo. Moscow is far from me. But, I'll meet you there. I'll come
at any time. And I will wait. What do you need for a trip? Passport?
Visa? Maybe you will find out everything? How much is the cost? A
ticket? You do not need a hotel. We can live in my dorm room. I
promise that I'll meet you. Required. But, tell me where and when.
and I'll be there. Waiting for you with flowers and tender
kisses. Please do not leave me. My life does not make sense without
you now. You became my life. I gave you my heart. My love gave away.
And I do not want to lose you. I'm sure that we are meant to be
together. I can not live without you. now, I'm sure that I love
you! And I want to be only yours! Forever! To be your woman dream and
make you happy! When will you find out all about the trip? I
believe that you will know everything soon. And you can come to me.
I'll wait. We need to find a way to be together. I hope so too, that
everything will turn out. I LOVE YOU!!!!!!!!!! Your loving and tender
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