
Do NOT tell your scammer he is posted here, or report their accounts as it puts others at risk!

Scammers abusing stolen photos of Jeffrey Miller

This section deals specifically with online romance scams. The images used by the scammers are stolen from innocent people, usually from their social media pages.


Unread postby Shadowcat68 » Sat Jan 26, 2013 12:13 am

This scammer is now using email He sent me all the same pics and profile dialogue. I have a few more pics to add. Some he sent as his son. He wanted money after us only taking less than 24 hours. That threw up the internal red flags. I met him on He said he was using a friends profile which I thought was odd as well. He said his son's name was James. He said his wife died of cancer.

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Unread postby SlapHappy » Sat Jan 26, 2013 3:40 am

Above pictures of children that were posted are deleted. We do not allow pictures of minors posted here.
If anyone asks you for money on the Internet they are always a scammer, 100% of the time.
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Unread postby firefly » Thu Feb 14, 2013 7:07 pm

On net log,

Hi Dear,

It is great to have you here,My name is Damian Miller and I am a soldier from united states currently on a mission.....I was attracted by your profile here and I want you to be my soul mate.I am sure I will make that kind of man you desire.

I believe that there is no limit to love.and that true beauty is in someones smile. I am looking for someone who still believe and have faith in love, a real woman who is not afraid to show who she really is, '' I absolutely understand that dreams give us wings and love makes us fly' come and take my hand and fly with me let us sail together on this wonderful ocean of love together free from stress and heart break.

One thing I know for sure is that No matter what age you are, or what your circumstances might be, you are special, and you still have something unique to offer, there is a taste of greatness in everyone, we just need the right touch of love to make them come true and real, I believe in the power of love and I know there is always time for love no matter what.

I want you to get back to me if you are truthful and serious about this offer,I hope to hear from you soon. so we can make togetherness change the place of separation in much love. you can add me on yahoo (


Profile elements:

online male - 54 years, Usatove, Ukraine
damian miller
Date of birth
Native language

Active since 1 February 2013.

All 3 pictures used are already reported here.

On Facebook,
Damian Miller aka damian.miller.106
Joined Facebook February 2, 2013.
Help yourself by helping others - report your scammer here.
Google can be your best friend;use it if you have doubts about someone met online. If someone met online only asks for money, no matter what reason, it´s 100% scam.
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oliver.miller.7524 on FB

Unread postby Amber_Mc_K » Fri Mar 22, 2013 9:59 pm

This is taken from my blog - since I don't want this to be seen as self promotion I won't say anymore about that but regardless this is my story.

This week I came into some knowledge that someone I had been messaging with on Facebook was really the face of a true con artist hiding under the guise of some stolen pictures of an actual person. Please read and share this information. If my sharing and yours can stop even one person from dealing with these criminals it will have been worth it. I apologize for the length but it is a story worth reading - trust me.

You may ask yourself how did this person become my friend in the first place? Well that is simple, with the setting I had (notice HAD) on Facebook, the friends of friends could see my posts and comment and when I went on to pages I subscribed to and posted something other people on that page could view my profile as well. Those setting are for friends only now and I will be spending some time this weekend paring down that list. With that in mind when I received a direct message from someone who was a member of a Facebook page that I subscribe to and post on and they had 30+ other people from that site as friends I accepted the request.

The conversation started out very causally - no red flags, no crazy statements - that would have gotten him blocked immediately. I inquired on some of his information as he indicated he was in the Army - 75th Rangers - Recon teams to be specific, stationed in Kabul, Afghanistan with the ISAF (International Security Assistance Force) and he seemed to know his stuff or in retrospect he was just getting his information the same way I was ...Google.

A couple of times he also indicated there had been attacks on the compound and one morning indicated that they had been attacked again. As fate would have it there was actually a suicide bomber that attacked the ANSF (Afghan National Security Force) compound which is just down from the ISAF compound in Kabul that very morning killing several and it made international news. I don't want to imply that this person had inside knowledge to this, I don't know that and I really don't want to think that...I just think he got lucky - as it is not like suicide bombers/attempts in Afghanistan are an unusual news item...but to me this was a first had account from a solider on the ground and to me that was the all the proof I needed.

Have you ever been asked the question..."What is the best way to boil a frog?" I know it's a gross thought but the answer is telling - it is "SLOWLY". You place the frog in the pot of regular room temperature water, that way the temperature won't make him jump. Then heat slowly, this way he doesn't even know he is being boiled till it is too late...that is kind of how this all worked.

Like I said the conversation started out very casually, then slowly it became more romantic in nature. I will say it now there is a big difference between romantic and sexual and it did not go there, it was not even really overtly flirtatious in nature The best way to describe it would be that it was a practice in the art of seduction. Robert Greene, author of the book by that very name (The Art of Seduction) describes how the seducer can cast a spell, break down resistance, and ultimately, compel a target to surrender. It is an age-old con and to use a fishing metaphor...I fell for the bait - but thank GOD I did not swallow the hook.

So shortly after the attack he, and I say he instead of calling him Lt. Col. Oliver Miller because that is not who he is. You need to understand that person does not exist, it is a facade, anyway he indicated he wanted to send me a token of his affections via mail, just something small for me to have to know he was thinking of me. Yeah I took the bait. He had past my tests, no alarm bells were going off in my head and this is where I link it back to my new years resolution to say yes to new opportunities and tie that in with what I decided to give up for LENT...yeah I'll explain how this all fits together in a outcome I gave him my home mailing address.

Back to the New Years Resolution to say yes to new has been working so well so far that I thought sure, here is just another opportunity why not say yes...did I have any doubt, a small suspicion as he wouldn't tell me what he was sending but I would have that even from my family and closest friends as I am really not fond of surprises. Now add in Lent...instead of giving up things like cheese or wheat or eggs - can't eat those anyway - I decided I would give up doubt. When doubt crept into my mind I would acknowledge it and give it over to that is what I did.

With address in hand, he soon thereafter indicated he was going out on a mission, couldn't say where, but I never actually would have asked him to. He indicated he was not sure how long he would be gone but that they were targeting the Taliban responsible for the attack on the compound. So 6 days later he returns to Facebook and announces that he has been shot, but just a graze, sends a few pictures of wounded soldiers and one of "himself" all dirty and dusty leaning against his pack. (la sigh - I am such a sucker - LOL)

I asked several questions about his injuries, where he was being treated etc. The answers were less than comforting in that they were overly vague and he indicated it was due to national security...which made me wonder... especially since I have seen news reports indicating soldiers being treated at Dawood hospital in Kabul, especially back when they were comparing the conditions to Auschwitz just last summer or the more critically wounded being transferred to Germany...anyway my spider senses were tweaked.

Then he lowered the boom. He indicated that while out on patrol he and his squad had come across a Taliban hideout with significant cash and unrefined gold which they decided to split between them instead of turning in...SERIOUSLY...I immediately felt sick...THIS IS A CON! I shook my head to myself at my openness to it all. I decided then that I needed to know for sure. When he indicated that I would be the only person he would trust to care for these funds till he could come get them...I agreed, yes he could trust me.

I then began Goggling the hell out of such schemes and found that it fit with the old-school Nigerian Prince/Princess scams also referred to as a 419 scam (which would include this type as well) that were going on via e-mail several years back. Then I waited, there was no mention for a few more days, just more sweetness and seduction...then Sunday morning I awoke to a message containing a waybill for a consignment package.

In researching the scheme I learned that these consignment packages often are apparently held up by customs and there is usually a fee of $180.00+ to release them. So when I got the waybill I then began searching on what to do with the information I had. Honestly until this point I still did not know the depth and breadth of this scam, I thought it was a one off. I was having a hell of a time trying to find anything telling me what to do next.

So I thought okay I am going to say a little prayer for some direction, and I did. I then typed Oliver Miller Scam into Google and the first thing that came up was "Romance Scam" and again felt ill at what I found. The picture wasn't the same but I continued on. I then said another little prayer and asked for concrete information on what to do, so I deleted the first name leaving "Miller Scam" as my search and went to click on Images but clicked on YouTube instead - THERE ARE NO ACCIDENTS and there he was, front and center, the pics I have seen being presented as the face of the person I was falling for... and there too was the scam warning and the information on how to report to the FBI's cyber crime division.

This is the link to the YouTube Video:

The sheer enormity of this deception, the calculated callousness of it hit me hard and I was immediately and unequivocally ANGRY!!! I then spent my Monday evening putting it all together in my incident report to the cyber crimes division and then waited for his next move. I knew the request for money would be coming next.

That is when it got truly ridiculous. The request came in, as the consignment box was "seized" in Malaysia but the cost for release was no mere $180.00 it was $24,550!!!! I giggled when I saw it and thought "Holy f*ck" who would pay that???? I would not have sent $20.00 let alone $24, 550!!!

I updated cyber crimes with this new information and while part of me wanted to just play with it, and burn his ass to the ground. I thought you know what, nothing I have said or done during this interaction is anything I regret and I want to keep it that way. So I told him I prayed on his request and this is the answer I got and I posted the YouTube video about the scam. I did not at that time block him as I wanted him to know that I knew! Once he saw it he immediately blocked me, but his profile is still active https:/ /www.face please feel free to report that profile as a scammer on my behalf. :)

I then posted to the Facebook page where we were both members and he has since been removed. I also joined the Facebook support group set up to identify these fake profiles and see that they are removed as a service to the real person Lt. Jeffrey Miller - US Army. I was shocked at the dozens and dozens of profiles identified on Facebook and many other sites all using these stolen pictures.

Then I thought I needed to do something proactive with this knowledge so I also posted it on my Facebook page admitting it all to my friends and family and asking that they share the information which I am asking you to do as well. The more people that see his pictures and hear the story of this scammer the less likely that he will be successful.

In my research I have learned that globally it is believed that these ROMANCE SCAMS are netting something like 9 million (yes $9,000,000) per month from women across the globe. Where do you think that $ goes? This is organized crime, this is the Taliban, this is Nigerian Warlords...this is not a victim-less crime, those targeted and the real person Lt. Jeffrey Miller are all unwittingly being used. And what do you think they are doing with the money most likely funding other things like terrorism, human trafficking drug trafficking This is what our men and women in uniform fight against, this is what we should all be fighting against. Please join this fight by sharing this information. Take a moment to think of all the things you share via e-mail and Facebook...This one could actually save someone some heartache and potentially even financial loss. I am willing to share my story - are you willing to share it as well?

(The sad thing is that I have had more than 40 hits in less than 12 hours and only 1 share - people just don't care to let other people know - but all the spam they forward is fine???)


Last edited by firefly on Thu Sep 12, 2013 3:56 pm, edited 2 times in total.
Reason: FB link disabled. FF
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oliver.miller.7524 on Facebook

Unread postby firefly » Fri Mar 22, 2013 10:23 pm

On Facebook,
Oliver Miller aka oliver.miller.7524
Worked at US Army, Kabul Afghanistan
Studied at United States Military Academy
Joined Facebook August 12, 2012

Help yourself by helping others - report your scammer here.
Google can be your best friend;use it if you have doubts about someone met online. If someone met online only asks for money, no matter what reason, it´s 100% scam.
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Re: oliver.miller.7524 on FB

Unread postby SlapHappy » Sat Mar 23, 2013 12:41 am


Welcome to SS, and I'm sorry that you were scammed and nearly fell for this guy.
In reading your post, I noticed a few things that you did after you knew it was a scam that
are counterproductive to the efforts of all anti-scam reporting sites, and that actually hurt victims rather than help them.

"Burning" a scammer, meaning telling him you know he is a scammer and making fun of him is bad as it educates him in how to be a better scammer, alerts him to the fact that his email and profiles are exposed, and he will change them.
He will easily take the copies he has of his victim information, make a new profile, and convince every one of them that the new FB or email is ok and his information posted everywhere online will be worthless. This ruins hours, sometimes weeks worth of work from victim survivors and fighters who need to keep the details in the light where victims can find them if they google, and the scammer in the dark that we know about him.
This does not seem like the "right thing" to do, but it is, saving the most victims of the scammers. They usually have a dozen or more on the hook at a time, too. These unknowns must be protected as long as possible by having the details here that they will eventually look for and be warned. Burning scammers for emotional satifaction and risking more victim hurt is absolutely the wrong thing to do. Dropping them as soon as you know they are a scammer; keeping absolutely unresponsive to every effort they make to recontact you is crucial. Others depend on your silence. Police and banking investigations can also be destroyed if the scammer suddenly disappears and they lose track of them, too, among other things.
Also, never tell a scammer that his details are posted online! You did not do this, but others have done so.

The next thing is "Closing FB profiles." Never do this! It hurts other victims. The ones who do close profiles and emails are misinformed about the way scammers operate and do not realize what this action does to hurt the unknown victims, nor do they realize that they are destroying the work of thousands of anti-scam fighters dong the right things to protect victims. That FB group you mentioned is dead wrong and needs a good education about scammers before they go messing with them. Posting details and leaving profiles open helps victims. Closing them hurts victims. Anyone who tells you differently has no real world of scamming knowledge.

These two main topics and many others in Important information section, Help and advice,
and Resources will give you a better understanding of anti-scam fighting and victim
support issues.

Frequently Asked Questions. The all important FAQ page.

Reporting a Scammer's Profile or Email Address? Don't!

Before you start to do something about your scam, read this topic. We do not want free scammer emails or online profiles like FB, dating sites, or Skype closed down, so do not flag those accounts for abuse or closure!

Important note about posting scammers on our forum:
We do not ever post incomplete information on our site and finger someone as a scammer unless we have 100% proof of scamming. We never want to accuse an innocent person here.
abusing stolen pictures and one FB profile posted is not proof, regardless of what the "story" is.
We need lying about location proven by email headers, money request emails, and/or other elements.

Can you please provide us with more DETAILS of the scammer?
Details we need to prove that this is a scam:

opening first email with header?
money request emails with headers?
courier company email address, emails? website?
The fake courier "waybill for the consignment package." Can you scan and post the image here?
scammer's phone number?
Scammer chat IDs?
If anyone asks you for money on the Internet they are always a scammer, 100% of the time.
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Unread postby Argentinian » Wed May 08, 2013 5:37 pm

After some weeks chatting on a yahoo account, I began to suspect this man is a scammer. THE SAME MAN WHOSE PICS I'M SEEING NOW. Fortunately i found his photographs through Google images search and i came to this site. He didn't ask me for money, but I felt in love with him, as he promised to come and visit me. I'm feeling right now stupid. But smart enough to investigate and at least discover who he is, or he is stealing images. How is this possible? Is the real soldier aware of this?
The new name of this scammer is Sgt Paul Millmam, on duty for the US Army in Suffolk, England. He contacted me on Oasis, com.

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Unread postby firefly » Wed May 08, 2013 5:47 pm

Hello, Argentinian,

Sorry to hear about your experience. Yes, the real owner of the stolen pictures is aware about the fact the scammer use his pictures.

Do you have details about this one? Can you post it, please?

We need:

- email address used by the scammer
- details from the profile used online - with pictures, if are not already reported here
- first emails received - where he speak about himself.
- any other details you have about him - as a phone number, for example.

Your details about this scammer may save other potential victims.
Help yourself by helping others - report your scammer here.
Google can be your best friend;use it if you have doubts about someone met online. If someone met online only asks for money, no matter what reason, it´s 100% scam.
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Unread postby Argentinian » Tue May 14, 2013 12:08 am

Hello, thank you for your reply

The man using J miller photos wrote to me with this email address He es Millmam Pual (strange mistake on his own name)
Here's the first mail, after introduing ourselves on


Am happy you are interested in learning more about me, I have never dealt with anyone in this service, I have been single for years, because am yet to find that special one to share my life with,

My goals and dreams are to live a good life, and maybe meet someone that believes in unconditional love. I've got a great sense of humor, I am more conservative politically than liberal...I work hard, and know how to have fun...but I don’t have fun here because we are not allow to do so many things here in the camp,

I can cook pretty well for my woman ... I like a good wine. I've been working out more regularly than I had been, and eat healthy food, just that I don’t have time to rest, am always on road blocks and patrol everyday and night keeping the country save and happy..I don't do drugs, and I like who I am...Although I think a terrific woman like you would bring out the best in me...

I'm a believer who pray every blessed day , am a good catholic , I don’t go to church here because am always on patrol everyday every weeks, and try to do the right things every day...I don't worry about what people think of me...I know how to treat a woman well because she will be the only woman I will love for the rest of my days....

You are really amazing. Inside of me I want to know more about you.
From My heart To You...

Sgt Millmam

He never gave a phone number.Just chat with Yahoo account

Thank you Firefly, if I remember anything else I'll send it to you. Do you want a copy of all the emails? I'll do everuthing I can to help future victims

I Do remember anything else. he askedme to write to the US Army, a letter in behalf of himself, asking for a love vacation, so he would come to meet me. Here's the email address he gave me to send the email

And here is the text I wrote with his help. I guess after this fake email surely he would ask me for money.

I am XXXXX, writing on behalf of Mr. Millmam Paul.

We are having a love relationship and we would like to be together for some time.
We have been thinking of getting married and I would like him to come to my country in order to talk about the details of our wedding.

My DNI (ID) number is XXXXXXX

My complete address is XXXXXx, Argentina

I’ll be looking forward your positive answer.
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Unread postby SlapHappy » Tue May 14, 2013 4:55 am

Argentinian said:
Just chat with Yahoo account

Can you post his yahoo account chat name here?

Moderator note: << This is a paid scammer email account, hosted on their fake site.
I'm sorry tat you were scammed. :(
Stop all contact with the scammer. Do not answer any emails, chats, phone calls, and do not answer any unknown contacts that pop up. The scammer may try to scam you again using another name, male or female. Watch out for "recovery scams," too. Anyone that says he was arrested or you can recover your money will be the scammer himself returning.
If anyone asks you for money on the Internet they are always a scammer, 100% of the time.
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