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Re: recovery and reassurance

Unread postby SlapHappy » Thu Jun 27, 2013 2:13 am

I'm sure that your feelings are raw right now. Once you take the control back by blocking and no contact, you will be ok.
Feelings take longer to get back into line with the reality of it though. After awhile, you will realize that the scammer's threats were just a giant fantasy he stuck in your head from the big scare of youtube and facebook.
Feel free to post your recovery thoughts after you get some rest and perspective on what has occurred.
If anyone asks you for money on the Internet they are always a scammer, 100% of the time.
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Re: Victim of the "Emma Anderson" types

Unread postby daz3162010 » Wed Jul 03, 2013 3:56 pm

Hi Guys

I have shared my story as it was happening, and I am hoping that this will give everybody a little more faith and put their minds at ease.

Everyhting described in solidsnake's post is how most of us feel when this happens. I personally went through the Skype route, before getting a message saying something along the following lines:

"Before you think of blocking me or reporting me don't. I have recorded what you have been doing and have uploaded it to (LINK). I have also found all of your contacts from your email address, as well as your CV and your girlfriends CV (LINKS). I will send these to all of your contacts on here and everyone you know. I also have these addresses. "

Your heart jumps into your mouth when you read something like that, and you wonder how you could ever have been so stupid as to make this mistake. You blame yourself, you can't breathe, and you know you only have 10 minutes to reply. Or do you?

My scammer told me they wanted £200 in 10 mins. I said I had no money, and they said to get it from somewhere, like ask my girlfriend. I again told them I had no money, and they then asked for £50. They taunted me, saying "Right, I'm gonna do it now then... Hahaha I haven't. I want the money" etc

Anyway, I deleted my Skype account and the hotmail account that I had used to contact them (they said they were going to send me an email, before we jumped into the blackmailing). I deleted everything without thinking, then I found this site. I think most people would, as you just want to run and hide, and you don't think rationally - you just think about disappearing as quickly as you can. I changed my status on Facebook to warn people my email account had been hacked, and that they should not open any messages from that address. The scammer saw this and said I had "fucked up big time - you don't know what we are capable of..."

Anyway, the next day I found an email in my junk folder of another emal address i use. It said I would have noticed they haven't posted the video yet, but they were going to right now. Unless I paid them in 24 hours - wtf? First I have 10 mins, then as long as I need, then it's going to be posted, then I have 24 hours? The suject of the email was "6 hours left..." I blocked the sender and reported them on this site. I also reported abuse on the video, so it was removed immediately. I then emailed Pastebin and informed them that somebody had stolen my details and posted them on their site. Within an hour or so the links no longer worked. I wouldn't have had those links if they hadn't resent them to me, so that was quite helpful!

This was yesterday, and to my knowledge nobody I know has received anything.

The points I am trying to make are as follows:

They will keep changing the amount of time you have to pay, because if there is even a little hope that you will still pay them, they will keep following up, and they can make a bit.

Follow the advice from the amazing guys here. Block the scammer, and post their details on this site. They don't want the publicity. Also, if they cannot contact you they cannot threaten you.

I didn't realise, as it said that the email had originated in Canada, that this was probably Morocco.

No matter what threats they make, do not engage. Block and drop. They will show you names of people you know, and try to blackmail you with the people they think you are closest to, by looking you up on Facebook and seeing your relationship status etc

Try to stay calm. Yes they will tell you they can ruin your life, and yes with the tools they say they have, they probably could. But if they carry out the threats, then they can't threaten you with them - so what would be the point?

As I say, the last contact I had was yesterday morning, and since I blocked the email address I have heard nothing. My 24 hours was up this morning, and again, to my knowledge, nobody has received anything, my details have been deleted off the webistes they were posted on, and the video was removed by the website it was posted on.

Most importantly, ask questions of people in here - they are great guys, and we have all experienced this or something similar. Nobody judges, they are all trying to help you

Thanks Guys, and I hope this helps some people
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Re: Closure. When will this all end? NEW! Coping Strategies!

Unread postby h1960 » Fri Jul 05, 2013 7:23 pm

Thank you very much for this article, it really made me more comfortable, I was just blaming my self for the last three days and how come that a man in my age make this silly mistake,,

Thank you once again and I will always be in touch with your site
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Skype scam

Unread postby h1960 » Sat Jul 06, 2013 10:58 am

Hi all

I have been scammed last tuesday 2nd July, the same story as very one, she added me or lets say he added me on FB, nice asian photos , claim he is in Canada but Filipino, after a chat on FB messenger she asked me to Skype and things as usual led to exposing my self as every other story... she cut the cam and said wait my room mate walked in, wait please, so after that she asked what type of music u like? I said classic then she sent me a link of a song on u tube, I opened it it was okay then she said how about this song, and there it was me ..... I was shocked, she asked me did u like it? I said this is not right please remove it, then sent me a number of my family friends in FB, and said do u like me to send all these friend a link of the video, I said please don't, I was so panicked , shocked, then she said I will remove it if u do something for me, I asked what, she or he( I suppose) said okay send money to help my sister she is in hospital and needs help, I said how much u need? she said u tell me, I said $500 , he said better make it 1000, I said I am in tight situation these days, he said please do it because I don't want to lose my sister, I am sorry of doing this but had no choice, I don't want to destroy ur career, just help me and I promise I will delete the whole thing, I said how I will know u will do that, he said i give my word on my family, and to show u that i mean it I will remove the video now from youtube, which he did, i said okay but i can only do it tomorrow morning as banks are closed now, he said go to ATM , I said I can't, please wit till tomorrow and give ur sister name so i will do it before 10 am our time, he said he will give the name as later his sister is in hospital, he will see who can collect it, and he said don't delete me from FB or Skype I will leave a message tomorrow to whom u should send the money and if u do anything I will put the video again and send the links to the list I showed u and will keep checking on my Skype and FB to see that u have not deleted me. I said don't worry and he said okay i have to go work now i will leave a message for u later, and he said he is so sorry for doing this. I noticed that he was still on line on Skype for long time, maybe fixing another victim.

I was so paniked, i almost had a heart attack, how stupid i was, it was so easy and obvious, how a man in my age can be fooled like this,, any way after i just clam down i googled for help and I was lucky to find your site, reading the stories and articles really made it easier little bit for me and took all the steps recommended by the site, blocked him , deactivated my FB, blocked him on Skype and later deleted him, also made alert on google just in case he post the video..

Today is the the fourth day , nothing, thanks God happened so far, I managed to block him from one of my brother as she invited him to be friend on FB and also he invited my two sons, who are 24 and 19, i managed without telling them what happened even my brother to block him, send messages to most of family who are with me in FB to be careful and not accepting any invitations from this FB account and even block him if he did.

I am much better now but still sometime bad thoughts comes to my mind and feel depressed, by the way I am divorced but still worry if this video is seen by anyone of my friends or community what he will think about me,, I hope this scammer will give up on me and the video is lost for ever.. as I have seen from some of the answers here that these people don't really save the videos for long time and they always give up in few days time..

But i keep telling my self this is a mistake and an experience you have to learn from, and try to be better person now, I started to be more closer to God now and keep praying on time. I will be from this a different but better person and take things in much better way..

I would like to thanks all the person behind this site, it really made a big difference, I was prepared to pay the $1000, but thanks God who really led me to see your site..

Special thanks to Wayne who helped me to open my account here and thanks for the live help I got yesterday..

Thank you all
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Re: Skype scam

Unread postby greatgunsy » Sun Jul 07, 2013 6:38 am

I'm sorry to see you were caught too, it's really a horrible feeling! its amazing how something like this can drive one closer to God... I totally agree with you, I had the same thing happen to me the other day, and I can really say that if everything turns out ok, with the video not going out, that it will really have made me a better person, and pushed me closer to God. Good to see someone else sees things the same way I have been!
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Re: Skype scam

Unread postby h1960 » Sun Jul 07, 2013 7:34 am

I am sorry too that you have been through this too, I hope things will turn better for both of us and for all other victims

What happened could turn to good things, it will make you a better person and look at things in much better way and as you said it will bring you closer to God.

God Bless you
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Re: Closure. When will this all end? NEW! Coping Strategies!

Unread postby coolbeans0001 » Sun Jul 07, 2013 10:29 am

Hello my dear friends out there! i have been recently scammed about 2 weeks ago on skype. i felt like end of the world but since coming to this website and reading other fellow members stories made me really feel that there is hope! i was severely depressed since i was blackmailed they would publish the footage online and send to my family friends. since i paid then as well.. but again then demanding for more after that i dropped them blocked them everywhere from skype facebook as well as my gmail deactivated my all accounts changed my e mail now. it has been 10 days and since then i dont see them posting anything on my friends wall or message which is good thing and sign but i do still have those lingering thoughts on my mind that they would still have my video with them and not deleted or maybe they use against me but again there is hope out there the only good reason for me not to worry too much is because i didnt show them my face while going n**de for them on cam but they did see my face before and after that.. though anyway i am hoping soon i will be able to forget about it and move on and not think too much about my scammer!! they are evil i hope GOD teaches them the lesson!! take care my friends!
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Re: Closure. When will this all end? NEW! Coping Strategies!

Unread postby SlapHappy » Sun Jul 07, 2013 12:23 pm

Our many thanks to all the recent survivors who have posted their thoughts here. You have all proven that good things can and do happen from your bad scam experiences. Your posts give others hope and encouragement. They help others to feel ok with taking a good, hard look at themselves and to see the reasons for the scam and problems that they have in their lives.
You help others to feel calm, less alone and isolated, and give them ways to move ahead. Thank you all so much for giving of yourselves to help the other survivors here. It is appreciated by all. Keep your recovery posts coming! :D
If anyone asks you for money on the Internet they are always a scammer, 100% of the time.
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Re: Closure. When will this all end? NEW! Coping Strategies!

Unread postby jojojouk » Sun Jul 07, 2013 5:00 pm

I was scammed a week ago in one country and it continued to mine, dating site, got completely drawn in - after a few days scammers got some pictures from me. I was chatting on FB, and they also had my company website and my personal e mail address. After continually asked for a video, I just couldn't do that and when they got angry with me on Friday and logged of, is when I found this site - my word I wish I would have found this before. Completely drawn in, wife had died, he had money. One big lesson - no one is real unless you meet them. So I tineye the photo's they were using and found it be someone famous on the other side of the world. I then made all the measures and received an e mail, in poorly written French asking for £30k in 24 hours, they would destroy my life etc. etc. If it was not for these guys and reading your posts, I don't know what I would have done except a small coronary! So another e mail this morning, saying I had 3 hrs left, tick tick - so far 5 hours and nothing. I am actually laughing at myself for being so silly being drawn into this, but reading your posts, Mute is the best way. My heart is not in my mouth and I will go under the radar for a while. Just wanted to say again - thanks! You're ace!
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Re: Closure. When will this all end? NEW! Coping Strategies!

Unread postby coolbeans0001 » Thu Jul 11, 2013 9:24 am

Hello Brother you are not alone here i was scammed as well on june 26th 2013 on skype since then i am feeling a little bad about my self for being so stupid to make such a foolish mistake but i think we are humans and we humans do make mistakes... so thats ok i did pay them $200 and demanding for more money after that i deleted my e mail deactivated facebook and as well as other social networking websites i was already on and it has been since 15 days and no signs from the scammer or the video whereabouts hopefully the video is deleted or gone forever! and wont resurface int he future anytime! good luck! keep your recovery thoughts coming this website is GOD GIFTED and and people like firefly wayne are GOD gifted wonderful people!!
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