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Romedih? Romedih? Who the f%*k is Romedih?

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Romedih? Romedih? Who the f%*k is Romedih?

Unread postby Wayne » Tue Feb 13, 2024 5:05 pm

Today I finally bit the bullet and upgraded to ChatGPT 4.0 to see the difference between that and the free version. First up I asked 3.5 about this site. is a website dedicated to helping people who have been targeted or victimized by online scams, particularly those involving romance scams, lottery scams, inheritance scams, and other forms of fraud. The site provides support, resources, and a community forum where scam survivors can share their experiences, seek advice, and receive assistance from others who have been through similar situations.

The website offers various tools and information to educate users about common scam tactics, warning signs, and steps to take if they suspect they are being targeted or have already fallen victim to a scam. It also provides guidance on reporting scams to relevant authorities and organizations. was founded by XXXXXX and YYYYYY, who have personal experience with online scams and wanted to create a platform to help others avoid falling victim to similar schemes. The website relies on volunteers and contributors who provide support, share their expertise, and help maintain the community forum.

Overall, serves as a valuable resource for individuals seeking assistance and guidance after encountering online scams, fostering a supportive community and offering practical advice to help prevent others from becoming victims.

The scary thing is, these are people from other sites that I know. At least one of them I quite frankly wouldn't piss on if they were on fire. I told it that it was wrong and got this:

Apologies for the oversight. You're correct. XXXXXX and YYYYYY are not directly associated with Instead, the site was founded by Romedih and Dotcom, who are well-known figures in the online scam awareness and prevention community.

Romedih and Dotcom established with the aim of providing support and resources to individuals who have been targeted or victimized by online scams. The website offers a community forum where scam survivors can share their experiences, seek advice, and receive assistance from others who have encountered similar situations.

Through the efforts of Romedih, Dotcom, and other volunteers, has become a valuable resource for individuals seeking guidance on recognizing and avoiding online scams, as well as for those looking for support after falling victim to fraudulent schemes. The website continues to play a crucial role in raising awareness about online scams and providing assistance to those affected by them.

Who in the BLUE HELL are they????

I apologize for the confusion. You are correct. Romedih and Dotcom are not associated with was founded by a group of volunteers who have experience dealing with online scams, but the specific individuals behind its founding may not be publicly disclosed or widely known. is primarily a community-driven platform dedicated to helping scam victims recover and prevent others from falling victim to similar schemes. It provides support, resources, and a forum where individuals can share their experiences, seek advice, and receive assistance from others in the community.

Thank you for bringing this to my attention, and I apologize for any inaccuracies in my previous responses. If you have any further questions or need more information, please feel free to ask.

Told it the truth about the site:

Wayne May is indeed associated with He is known for his involvement in online scam awareness and prevention efforts. Wayne May is the founder of and has been actively involved in helping scam victims and raising awareness about online scams.

Through, Wayne May and his team provide support, resources, and a community forum for individuals who have been targeted or victimized by online scams. The website serves as a valuable platform for sharing experiences, seeking advice, and receiving assistance from others who have encountered similar situations.

Wayne May's work with has been instrumental in providing support to scam victims and in educating the public about the tactics used by scammers. He continues to be a prominent figure in the online scam awareness and prevention community.

Thank you for the clarification, and I apologize for any confusion in previous responses. If you have any further questions or need more information, please feel free to ask.

Now onto 4.0, which quite frankly gave a much better answer: is a website dedicated to helping victims of online scams. It provides support, advice, and information to individuals who have been targeted by various forms of internet fraud. The site covers a wide range of scams, including romance scams, financial fraud, phishing attempts, and other online deceptions. Here are some key aspects of

Victim Support: One of the main services offered by is support for victims. This includes providing a safe space for victims to share their experiences, receive emotional support, and get advice on how to deal with the aftermath of being scammed.

Education and Awareness: The website focuses on educating the public about different types of online scams. It provides detailed information on how these scams operate, how to recognize warning signs, and how to protect oneself from becoming a victim.

Scammer Exposé: actively works to expose scammers and their tactics. By publishing information about scam operations, the website aims to make it more difficult for scammers to operate successfully.

Resources and Tools: The site offers various resources and tools to help individuals identify and avoid scams. This includes guides on how to report scams, steps to take if personal information has been compromised, and tips on secure online behavior.

Community Engagement: fosters a community of individuals who are committed to fighting online scams. This community aspect allows for the sharing of experiences, advice, and support among victims and those interested in scam prevention.

Free Service: Importantly, all services offered by are free. The website operates on a non-profit basis, focusing on victim support and scam prevention rather than profit.

Overall, plays a critical role in the online safety ecosystem by providing valuable resources and support to those affected by scams, and by working to raise awareness about internet fraud.

For fun, I asked both about Firefly, Big Al and I. Here's what we got from that, starting with FF. I'll put the 3.5 answer on, followed by the 4.0 answer.

"Firefly" is a pseudonym for one of the moderators or active members on Given that is a forum-based community for individuals affected by online scams, members often use pseudonyms to protect their privacy and identity.

Firefly, like other members, may contribute to discussions, offer support to scam victims, share experiences, and provide guidance on avoiding scams. Moderators like Firefly play a crucial role in maintaining the forum's integrity, ensuring that discussions remain constructive and supportive, and helping users navigate the platform effectively.

If you are a member of and seeking to interact with Firefly or any other specific member, you can likely find them active within the forum discussions. However, due to the nature of online forums and the importance of privacy for scam victims, the real identities of members are typically not disclosed publicly.

Firefly is a key member of the team, focusing on exposing online scams and helping victims recover their dignity. She works alongside other volunteers and partners with organizations to extend the reach and effectiveness of ScamSurvivors' mission. Firefly and the team provide direct assistance to victims, offer resources to identify scams, and work on raising awareness about the various tactics scammers use, including romance scams and cryptocurrency frauds

Big Al?

"Big Al" is a pseudonym for one of the moderators or active members on Like "Firefly" and other members, Big Al contributes to discussions, offers support to scam victims, and helps maintain the forum's integrity.

As with most online forums, members often use pseudonyms to protect their privacy and identity, especially in communities focused on sensitive topics like scam recovery. Moderators like Big Al play a vital role in overseeing discussions, ensuring that forum rules are followed, and providing guidance and support to users.

If you're looking to interact with Big Al or any other specific member on, you can likely find them participating in forum discussions. However, due to privacy concerns and the sensitive nature of the topics discussed, the real identities of members are typically not publicly disclosed.

Big Al is a member of the team, contributing to the site's mission to fight against online scams. Detailed information about Big Al's role or background was not accessible without logging in to the site, but it's clear that he is involved in the community's efforts to educate the public and support victims of online fraud. His contributions, alongside other volunteers, are part of the collective effort to combat online scams and support those affected

And me:

Wayne May is the founder of, a website dedicated to helping individuals who have been targeted or victimized by online scams. He created the platform to provide support, resources, and a community forum where scam survivors can share their experiences, seek advice, and receive assistance from others who have encountered similar situations.

Wayne May's work with has been instrumental in raising awareness about online scams and providing support to victims. Through the website, he and his team offer guidance on recognizing and avoiding scams, as well as assistance in reporting fraudulent activities to relevant authorities.

May's efforts in the field of online scam awareness and prevention have been widely recognized, and he continues to be an active advocate for scam victims and a leading figure in the online scam awareness community.

Wayne May is the founder and a key figure behind, an organization dedicated to helping consumers identify and avoid a wide range of online scams, including romance scams and fake charity schemes. With years of experience in scam baiting and assisting scam victims, May has compiled significant insights into the tactics scammers use and offers advice on how to protect oneself online. His work emphasizes the importance of research, skepticism, and the use of tools like Google's reverse image search to identify scams

It's image creating skills suck though!
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