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Thu May 09, 2024 11:15 am

Black Money Scam:

Carefully watch the attached video.

Attention dear friend,
I hope this letter finds you well.

With just little token of $100 in your hands for buying the de-coding
Spray, referred here as (D-C-S), which is the Spray Can used to clean
the GreenCards, I will ship you $70,000 (Seventy Thousand) of this
funds/ (GreenCards) for yourself trial experiment, to do as shown in
the attached video to get it cleaned up into money and make
confirmation of authenticity with your bank before we proceed for the

Actually, if you can handle the experiment as shown in the Attached
Video we will work together for future benefits. I have a total of
$20MILLION (Twenty Million Dollars-USD) worth of the attached
Greenish-Cards all in $100 Bills, (see attached Video sample shown on
the de-coding of a single $100. These funds disguised as Green-Cards
are original USA dollars bills, as the coating was just to aid us for
a successful delivery out of my country to yours for profitable

Hence I'm still an active politician not allowed by Law to operate a
foreign account and for that a Chinese scientist helped develop this
greenish-coated means to easily move the fund abroad. Coating funds
greenish doesn't make it fake. I contacted you because I can easily
ship these Green-Cards successfully to your address as raw
materialsfor recycling once I get your absolute trust. On 1st
February, 2023, I did a trial of this by shipping $6Million to a
Mexican, he confirmed cleaning the total in one-hour, sent me $10,000
via bank wire, and when asked for more, he switched of his phone and
disappeared, making it difficult to trust again.

The Airline that delivers the GREEN-CARDS tagged the "D-C-S" as not
Air-Worthy and declined delivery, which makes it harder to be
transported. If you have an idea of handling the production of
dangerous & flammable chemicals, you'll be sent the formula to prepare
the "D-C-S" all by yourself . But if you don't, kindly go buy the
ready made and ready to use with just $100 for a start, and once
de-coding process starts and funds realized by you, we'll buy more
de-coding spray "D-C-S" from the money you just realized to enable us
clean all.

Although the production process of "D-C-S" is extremely dangerous that
a novice can set the entire city ablaze but once finally prepared,
it's always human friendly, no Fumes, odorless, colorless,
non-repugnant, non-repulsive, non-corrosive, AND non-flammable. A
smart survey has it that GreenCards Worth of $70,000.00 [Seventy
thousand USD], can conveniently be de-coded by D-C-S worth of $200
within 10 minutes time.

I will reward you with 30% of $20Million, while 70% still comes back
to me for investment in any lucrative business in your City. There is
no risk factor in this as far as I can guarantee. I want us to start
this low key, little by little.

VERY IMPORTANT WARNING: For one major reason, do not ever request
receiving some GreenCards samples first for tests fmbefore buying the
de-coding Spray of $100. The good reason being that, The "de-coding
Spray" has a production Statistics Formula (PSF) , which is needed
before shipment of GreenCards for effective de-coding. When you buy,
the seller will give you this (PSF) 16-digits formula, which you'll
forward to me for a guide me to fine-tune the temperature by which the
GreenCards will be shipped to your address for maximum performance.

If you are in agreement, kindly send the following below while i guide
you carefully on how to contact the de-coding Spray seller to enable
you get the $100 worth for your trial experience,

[A] Your Name
[B] Your Phone
[C] Your address
[C] A copy of your identification

I greatly appreciate the time taken to read this letter and look
forward to your urgent response in addressing the matter squarely.

Mr, Anderson Foster


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