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John Jay

This section deals specifically with online romance scams. The images used by the scammers are stolen from innocent people, usually from their social media pages.

John Jay

Unread postby duckhunter » Sat May 05, 2012 12:45 am

From flirt box:
Tennis5420 (51) from Canada, Ingolf, Ontario

Hello ,My name is John..You have nice profile.i will love to know more about you..I'm seeking someone we can start about knowing each other then meet in real person for maybe dinner just to confirm our connection.I am also willing to relocate for the right woman for me.You definitely do not look your age.I'm serious!But your looks i do not believe are your best features.I believe from what i read in your profile.Your best feature is your heart.This is hard for me to say.But! I need someone with the type of integrity that you possess.I have not dated around ever since my ex cheated on me,its hard to find someone with moral attributes from women out there but i think you possess what i need in a lady if i must say the truth..If you have any questions.Feel free to ask!

Hi xxxx
How are you doing today?Thanks for the email.You seem like a very good woman from what i've read on your profile and i wouldn't mind if i can know more about you .though i work as much as i would but i get too lonely and come back home to find no one say "how was your day" I deal in modern Asian, Spanish and French artworks (Paintings, Sculptures and Antiques).I run and own my arts gallery..I have been single for 5 yrs.I love to play golf and some field games too,camping,writing and watch sporting games and a whole lot other things to make me busy and don't to travel and i think i have been a good traveler and better one.I am looking for an attractive minded woman who loves music and sports as much as I do! I guess the best way to describe myself is that I'm a nice man who is considerate and respectful of other people's feelings. I am compassionate, a great listener, and not afraid to show my emotions. I believe not only in what a woman looks like but her heart play's the most important role to me cause i want a real and a serious relationship with the right woman.Bet am too old for Games. I'm a man who thinks it's more important to come home and spend quality time with the family instead of hanging out at the bar or out there doing some others stuffs.i enjoy traveling....Its nice seeing new places and meeting new people from the world. Bedroom aerobics are great, and I consider that an important part of a relationship. Being able to come home after work and hold a nice conversation is something that has been missing in my life for a long time. Believe it or not, the most sensitive part of my body is my fingertips. I love to touch!!! Holding hands and showing affection is very important to me. i believe in friendship so much because to me it is the key role to a long lasting relationship.where are u from here originally.I am a simple person and I try to never ask anything of anyone, I will just try to do it myself.I have had to take care of myself for a very long time now. I do the best I can with what I have and just keep trying harder to do better. I try to never give up no matter how bad a problem may be.i am a fun loving man and no doubt,would love someone from that angel and also a hard working lady.I caught my ex having an affair with my Boss but good for them they are happily married now and she is fine with herself.I came from a family of 1,Father dead from a cancer,when i was 17 yrs but glad i have come over it all.Hope to read more from you,

John. Confirmed proxy server


Facebook photo (is this even the same guy):

jay1.JPG (13.48 KiB) Viewed 1667 times

On his facebook profile he says he lives in Stockton California, is interested in both men and women, and apparently also has a profile.

About John:
I love to ski. I followed Evel Kneivel as a kid, and have some of his attitude and showmanship. I have Gigabytes of baseball statistics stored in my squishy gray matter if needed. I've turned a "no" into a "yes" many times in my career, and have earned a reputation as a reliable, creative, and free-thinking / free-acting person that suits me incredibly well. I own my own business, I consult for other companies, and I just came up with three more business ideas since you started reading my profile. I like being around a lot of people, and I often hear that I can really"work a room" professionally or socially, but really enjoy being one on one. I sit at the kids table, because it's more fun, but I have "let go of childish things long ago". And when we cross the street together, I will be your chivalrous meat shield.I was in a marriage that ended amicably five years ago, when she moved away.I'm moving forward with my life, I have a great support system, and I'm looking for someone who appreciates me for me.

About my perfect match (don't take this too literally): She focuses on today. She has many different definitions for the word 'play'. She is an authentic, caring, adorable, fantastically feminine, owns hiking boots, and "knows herself". She doesn't hide her body, hide behind a bridesmaid dress, hide what she wants, and doesn't hide in crowds. Fair weather friends can kiss her a**. She has a laugh so loud that it frightens wildlife. She is deliberate with her words and actions when they matter most,but can "jump the shark" on occasion and laugh at herself. She doesn't confuse "intimate" with "interrogate". She is competitive, talented, cute, wicked smart, easily bored, appropriate, a bit of a wise-ass, emotional,affectionate, loyal, and agenda-free. She clues me in to her games. She can't walk by kids and dogs without noticing them. She forms her own opinions, gives me goose bumps with her touch, doesn't care if the government is listening to the call while seducing me, thinks of herself as an athlete, likes to play wrestle and pillow fight, does not pray to Oprah or sell her soul to the Cosmo Magazine Hive Mind, reads real books, proudly announces a new smell (no, wait, that's my job), celebrates all of the roles she plays in her life, wants without needing, loves seducing me and being seduced, can tell a great gross-out story, and doesn't repeat herself too often, because unlike most guys, I do often listen. (This last one alone eliminates half of you, but I guess that's the point.) She's easy to connect with, knows when to ask for help, is generous with her actions versus her words (and doesn't hijack the conversation), sees the upside of all of this, slips into a "kitten trance" when her hair is played with, swoons at the mere thought of this (and emails me after reading this, because good writers like myself like to hear what you respond to!), and knows to not be a martyr or workaholic. She has manners, respects my time, and shows up with a positive energy. She appreciates saving over spending. (There goes the other half! Maybe one great girl is still reading this. Then again, I might die alone.) She knows that most guys don't know real intimacy from a fart joke, and is done with their Amateur Hour. She is a little bit quirky, and might wear one pink sock today because why the heck not. She is uninhibited and experimental, uses my dress shirts as lingerie, and doesn't worry about whether she is good in bed because any furniture or surface will do. : )
"It is good to see what is beautiful, but you must also observe the ugly things ... you must be awake to everything ... you must be exposed to things which you don't quite understand, for the more you ponder over these matters which may be difficult for you, the greater will be your capacity to live richly." Krishnamurti.
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